Successful healthcare organizations have effective healthcare compliance to operate efficiently and provide safe, exemplary patient care. The aim of the audit is to highlight discrepancies between actual practice and State mandated standards. An audit checklist is useful to evaluate the causes of treatment failure in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis, implementing protocols for Early Sepsis Alarms and reducing the rate of central venous catheter-related infections.
Public Health Reporting & Policy
Improve nurse staffing to ensure safe, high-quality patient care. The quality of nursing care relates to the appropriate execution of assessments and interventions intended to optimize patient outcomes and prevent adverse events.
Failure to rescue
Pressure Ulcer Prevalence
Falls incidents resulting in injury
Restraints (vest and limbs) prevalence
Urinary catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs)
Central line catheter-associated bloodstream infections (ICU)
Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) (ICU)
Hospital Acquired Pneumonia (HAPI)
Smoking cessation counseling for acute myocardial infarction
Smoking cessation counseling for pneumonia
Smoking cessation for heart failure
Nursing hours spent on patients
Practice environment scale nursing work index